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Fault Resilient Drivers For Longhorn Servers

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by searchguzztercu1972 2020. 2. 19. 21:06


Hello there,The server was working properly with 2 sas disks!After long time without power electricity.not even at the plug,it came up with a 1783-Slot 0 Drive Array Controller failure!Controller self-test failure. Its a E200iDo i need to setup somehow the slots with the disks?I guess that the power off thing has to do something with that.PS:The Array controller has flashing lights on when the server power on.then no lights on!In the Bios i can see that is recognisedPS:Is there any simple way to recognise again the array or to setup it?Thanks. HP Smart Array Controller - 1783 Slot x Drive Array Controller Failure!ISSUE:System boots up slowly during drive initialization.slot x HP smart array controller1783-slot x Drive array controller failure!. To isolate the 1783 issue related to a Smart Array controller cache module, complete the following troubleshooting steps:1.

Reseat the array accelerator module.2. Turn off the server.3. Update the server BIOS and the controller firmware to the latest version.4.Troubleshoot this issue by isolating the failed assembly if not a problem of controller cache:.

Fault Resilient Drivers For Longhorn Servers Online


Disconnect the sas data cable(s) from the controller and post the server.NOTE: If the 1783 error does not occur, then the fault is either cable(s), backplane(s) or disk(s). Isolate one item at a time until the faulty assembly is identified. Reconnect the cable(s). Remove all disks from the backplane by unplugging, but not fully removing from the disk slots. Power up the server, if the 1783 controller failure still occurs, isolate the cable(s) and backplane(s). If the controller passes self test then a disk(s) is causing the controller failure.

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University Of Wisconsin Madison

Install half of the disks and power up the server. Continue adding or removing disks until problem disk(s) are isolated.NOTE: Always press F1 after the controller displays 1789-Slot X drive disks not responding. Do not press F2 or data will be lost. If the 1783 controller failure still occurs with cables disconnected, the Battery Backed Write Cache (BBWC) or the controller is defective. Replace the BBWC and then the controller to isolate the failure.NOTE: some controllers will display a 1783 controller failure if the BBWC ( array accelerator module ) is either defective or not installed.